Billing Overview
Expensify’s billing is based on monthly member activity. You’ll be charged for the previous month’s usage at the beginning of each month. Your bill depends on:
- Plan type: Annual subscription or pay-per-use.
- Expensify Visa® Commercial Card usage: Discounts are available based on your card spending.
How Billing Works
- Billing occurs on the first of each month for the previous month’s usage.
- Only Group Workspace owners are billed.
- View billing receipts in:
Settings > Account > Payments > Billing History.
Tip: Designate one billing owner for all Group Workspaces to streamline billing management.
What is an Active Member?
An active member is anyone who performs any of these actions in Expensify during a month:
- Chats
- Creates, submits, approves, reimburses, or exports a report
- Uses the Copilot feature to take an action in another user’s account
Annual Subscription
Key Benefits:
- Save 50% per active member compared to pay-per-use billing.
- Collect plan: $10 per member (vs. $20).
- Control plan: $18 per member (vs. $36).
- Set your monthly active member count upfront and pay a fixed rate.
How It Works:
- You’ll be billed for the number of members set in your subscription.
- Extra active members beyond your subscription size are charged at the pay-per-use rate.
- Plan: Control
- Subscription size: 10 members
- Cost: $18/member x 10 members = $180/month
- Scenario: 12 active members in one month
- Cost for additional two members: $36/member = $72
- Total bill: $252
- You can increase your subscription size by extending your subscription period.
Reductions are only allowed after your current subscription ends.
Pay-Per-Use Billing
- Charges apply at full rates with no discounts.
- Collect plan: $20 per active member.
- Control plan: $36 per active member.
How the Expensify Card Reduces Your Bill
Bundling Benefits:
- Combine an Expensify Card with an annual subscription for the lowest price per member.
- Spending at least 50% of your total settled US spend on Expensify Cards earns a further 50% discount.
Discount Breakdown:
- Collect plan: $5/member.
- Control plan: $9/member.
Additional Savings:
- Earn 1% cash back on Expensify Card purchases.
- 2% cash back if total card spend exceeds $250k (US purchases only).
- Cashback is first applied to your bill, reducing costs further. Any surplus is deposited into your bank account.
Savings Calculator
Use our savings calculator to estimate potential savings and earnings with the Expensify Card. Enter your details to see the results!
What if less than 50% of the spend is on Expensify Cards?
Discounts are applied on a sliding scale based on your Expensify Card spend percentage.
- Annual subscription discount: 50%
- Expensify Card spend (US purchases): 20% of total spend
- Expensify Card discount: 20%
- Total savings: 70% discount on the per-member price for that month.